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Commit 94d5d61b authored by Christoph Knote's avatar Christoph Knote
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parent a231c34d
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......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def plevel_map(t, nc, output_path, plevel, phi_contour_intervals=np.arange(400,
plt.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
def sfc_map(t, nc, get_var_fun, levels, ticks, label, pois, output_path, cmap="viridis", extend='both'):
def sfc_map(t, nc, get_var_fun, levels, ticks, label, pois, lois_function, output_path, cmap="viridis", extend='both'):
var = get_var_fun(nc)
u, v = getvar(nc, 'uvmet10')
......@@ -157,9 +157,7 @@ def sfc_map(t, nc, get_var_fun, levels, ticks, label, pois, output_path, cmap="v
plt.clabel(cs, fmt='%1.0f', fontsize=8)
ax.coastlines(linewidth=0.3, zorder=2)
countries = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries', scale='50m')
ax.add_feature(countries, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.3, zorder=3)
nb = 10
brsb = ax.barbs(to_np(lons[::nb,::nb]), to_np(lats[::nb,::nb]),
......@@ -22,12 +22,26 @@ import pois
import netCDF4
from wrf import getvar
import numpy as np
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
times = [ + datetime.timedelta(hours=t) for t in range(0, args.fcst_time_hours, args.interval_hours) ]
# for calculating delta precip
prec_prev = None
def lois_function_europe(ax, cfeature):
ax.coastlines(linewidth=0.3, zorder=2)
countries = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries', scale='50m')
ax.add_feature(countries, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.3, zorder=3)
def lois_function_southern_germany(ax, cfeature):
ax.coastlines(linewidth=0.3, zorder=2)
countries = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries', scale='10m')
ax.add_feature(countries, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.3, zorder=3)
regions = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_countries', scale='10m')
ax.add_feature(countries, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.1, zorder=3)
for t in times:
input_path_d01 = t.strftime(args.wrf_data_fpath_pattern).format(domain=1)
input_path_d02 = t.strftime(args.wrf_data_fpath_pattern).format(domain=2)
......@@ -54,18 +68,18 @@ for t in times:
# output_path=t.strftime(args.plot_fpath_pattern).format(plot='T', domain=1))
# Ozone
for domain, nc_d, poilist in zip([1,2],[nc_d01, nc_d02], [pois.capitals, pois.southern_germany]):
for domain, nc_d, poilist, loifun in zip([1,2],[nc_d01, nc_d02], [pois.capitals, pois.southern_germany], [ lois_function_europe, lois_function_southern_germany]):
sfc_map(t, nc_d, lambda nc: getvar(nc, 'o3')[0,:,:] * 1e3,
levels=range(0, 160, 10),
ticks=range(0, 150, 20),
label="Ozone (ground level) [ppbv]", pois=poilist,
label="Ozone (ground level) [ppbv]", pois=poilist, lois_function=loifun,
output_path=t.strftime(args.plot_fpath_pattern).format(plot='O3', domain=domain),
# NO2
sfc_map(t, nc_d, lambda nc: getvar(nc, 'no2')[0,:,:] * 1e3,
levels=range(0, 110, 10),
ticks=range(0, 110, 20),
label="NO$_2$ (ground level) [ppbv]", pois=poilist,
label="NO$_2$ (ground level) [ppbv]", pois=poilist, lois_function=loifun,
output_path=t.strftime(args.plot_fpath_pattern).format(plot='NO2', domain=domain),
# PM
......@@ -78,19 +92,19 @@ for t in times:
# sfc_map(t, nc_d, lambda nc: get_pm(nc, bins=[1]),
# levels=range(0, 130, 10),
# ticks=range(0, 130, 20),
# label="UFP (ground level) [$\mu$g m$^{{-3}}$]", pois=poilist,
# label="UFP (ground level) [$\mu$g m$^{{-3}}$]", pois=poilist, lois_function=loifun,
# output_path=t.strftime(args.plot_fpath_pattern).format(plot='UFP', domain=domain),
# extend='max')
sfc_map(t, nc_d, lambda nc: get_pm(nc, bins=[1,2,3]),
levels=range(0, 130, 10),
ticks=range(0, 130, 20),
label="PM$_{{2.5}}$ (ground level) [$\mu$g m$^{{-3}}$]", pois=poilist,
label="PM$_{{2.5}}$ (ground level) [$\mu$g m$^{{-3}}$]", pois=poilist, lois_function=loifun,
output_path=t.strftime(args.plot_fpath_pattern).format(plot='PM2_5', domain=domain),
sfc_map(t, nc_d, lambda nc: get_pm(nc, bins=[1,2,3,4]),
levels=range(0, 130, 10),
ticks=range(0, 130, 20),
label="PM$_{{10}}$ (ground level) [$\mu$g m$^{{-3}}$]", pois=poilist,
label="PM$_{{10}}$ (ground level) [$\mu$g m$^{{-3}}$]", pois=poilist, lois_function=loifun,
output_path=t.strftime(args.plot_fpath_pattern).format(plot='PM10', domain=domain),
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