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# WRFotron

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WRFotron is a bunch of shell scripts to automate WRF(-Chem) simulations (on a cluster with job scheduling system), including the necessary preprocessing steps. Special focus is set to be able to chain simulations, allowing to create free-running (i.e., no nuding) simulations for chemistry-aerosol-meteorology interactions over longer time periods.

## Contributing

We are looking forward to receiving your [new issue report](

If you'd like to contribute source code directly, please [create a fork](, make your changes and then [submit a merge request]( to the original project.

## License and acknowledgment

WRFotron is open source and available under the Gnu Public License (GPL) in version 3. In case WRFotron was used in scientific publications, please acknowledge as follows:

*We acknowledge the use of WRFotron created by the Chair of Model-Based Environmental Exposure Science at University Augsburg, Germany, to automatise WRF(-Chem) simulations.*

## Prerequisites

* A working installation of WRF (and WRF-Chem, separately) v4.0 or greater
* A working installation of WPS v4.0 or greater
* Various preprocessing tools for WRF-Chem (e.g., mozbc, anthro_emis, megan, ...) as required
* All required input data (meteo, geog, emissions, ...)

## General naming conventions

Multiple (chained) simulations that serve a certain purpose, e.g. for a field campaign, are called an `experiment`. The
`experiment` name is the main identifier when working with WRFotron. The set of configuration options (namelist.wps, namelist.input, anthro_emis.inp, ...) for an `experiment` is called `blueprint`, and resides
in the subfolder `blueprints`/`experiment`.

## Main commands and scripts

`master.bash`: main script to start a simulation for an existing `experiment`.
`batch.bash`: main script to start a chain of simulations for an existing `experiment`. Basically calls `master.bash` multiple times.

These scripts can be called without arguments for help:

<me@mymachine>:. master.bash 

Call with arguments <experiment> <year (YYYY)> <month (MM)> <day (DD)> <hour (hh)> <forecast time (h)> <spinup time (h)>
                 or <experiment> <year (YYYY)> <month (MM)> <day (DD)> <hour (hh)> <forecast time (h)> <spinup time (h)> <PID of job dependency>

 * <experiment> can be a shortcut name (if experiment directory is found in subdirectory 'blueprints', 
                and you are calling it from the shell), or the absolute path to the experiment's settings directory.
 * <spinup time> needs to be a multiple of meteoInc.

 -d dry run, prepare only, do not submit or run
 -b do not use batch system, execute directly in shell

## General workflow

When calling master.bash, a simulation directory is prepared in `$workDir`. Four jobs are submitted to the job scheduler, each depending on the previous:

- `pre.bash`: run WPS (and everything to prepare the -Chem part), create wrfinput and wrfbdy (and other) files in `$workDir`
- `main.bash`: run WRF(-Chem)
- `staging.bash`: move WRF(-Chem) output into the staging location at `$stagingDir`, where it waits to be postprocessed
- `post.bash`: at minimum, move output from `$stagingDir` to `$archiveDir`, possibly apply postprocessing actions on the output

These four general phases may consist of several subjobs, which can be seen (and adapted) in the `jobs` subdirectory.

## Installation
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1. Get WRFotron

  * go to the folder you want WRFotron to reside

  * clone the repository in there

    `git clone`

  * subfolder `wrfotron` now contains your WRFotron installation

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2. Set up a machine profile

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  * create file with all commands to be executed prior to all runs, e.g. loading modules, setting ulimits, etc.:

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  * link to WRFotron root level as profile.bash
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    `ln -s machine_profiles/your_machine profile.bash`
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3. Experiment setup
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  * create a new experiment folder in blueprints, following the existing blueprints as examples

    `cp -r blueprints/<chosen example> blueprints/<your experiment name>`
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  * create an experiment config for your machine
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    `cp -r blueprints/your_experiment/machine_specific/machine_example blueprints/your_experiment/machine_specific/your_machine`
  * adapt `config.bash` and the batch preambles in that folder to your environment

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  * link to experiment folder

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    `ln -s blueprints/<your experiment name>/machine_specific/<machine>/batch_preambles blueprints/<your experiment name>/`
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    `ln -s blueprints/<your experiment name>/machine_specific/<machine>/config.bash blueprints/<your experiment name>/`
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4. Test
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  * make a run *(dates depend on the available data, obviously)*

    `. master.bash your_experiment 2001 01 01 00 24 06`
  * you should now have a run folder


    ($workDir is set in the experiment config)