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......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ make your changes and then [submit a merge request](
## Installation of the development version
Clone this repository / or your fork and install as "editable":
Clone this repository / or your fork, then install e.g. as "editable":
git clone or <URL of your fork>
......@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ cd icartt_pypackage
pip install -e .
Note: the package is managed with [poetry](
# Changelog
## 2.0.0 (2022-02-x)
## 2.0.0 (2022-04-x)
- Compatible with ICARTT v2 standard
- Formats 1001 and 2110
name = "icartt"
version = "1.9.1"
version = "2.0.0-rc1"
description = "ICARTT format reader and writer"
license = "GPL-3.0-or-later"
authors = ["Christoph Knote <>"]
readme = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
keywords = [ "atmosphere", "file format", "ames", "nasa" ]
keywords = [ "atmosphere", "file format", "icartt", "ames", "nasa" ]
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np
from . import ictutils as utl
"""Default number format for output. Provides the `fmt` parameter of :func:`numpy.savetxt` internally."""
......@@ -317,6 +319,9 @@ class StandardNormalComments(collections.UserList):
self.keywords["UNCERTAINTY"].naAllowed = False
self.keywords["REVISION"].naAllowed = False
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(f"{str(v)}" for v in self.keywords.values())
class Variable:
"""An ICARTT variable description with name, units, scale and missing value."""
......@@ -337,21 +342,19 @@ class Variable:
descstr += [str(self.longname)]
return delimiter.join(descstr)
def isValidVariablename(self, name): # TODO: this could be a 'utils' function
def isValidVariablename(self, name):
# ICARTT Standard v2 2.1.1 2)
# Variable short names and variable standard names:
# Uppercase and lowercase ASCII alphanumeric characters
# and underscores.
def isAsciiAlphaOrUnderscore(x): # TODO: this could be a 'utils' function
return re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]", x)
allAreAlphaOrUnderscore = all(isAsciiAlphaOrUnderscore(x) for x in name)
allAreAlphaOrUnderscore = all(re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]", c) for c in name)
# The first character must be a letter,
firstIsAlpha = bool(re.match("[a-zA-Z]", name[0]))
# and the name can be at most 31 characters in length.
lessThan31Chars = len(name) <= 31
le31Chars = len(name) <= 31
return allAreAlphaOrUnderscore and firstIsAlpha and lessThan31Chars
return allAreAlphaOrUnderscore and firstIsAlpha and le31Chars
def __init__(
......@@ -399,8 +402,7 @@ class Variable:
self.miss = miss
def __repr__(self):
# TODO: this sould be something else than __str__ ?
return self.desc()
return f"[{self.units}], {}"
def __str__(self):
return self.desc()
......@@ -449,7 +451,7 @@ class Dataset:
if self.defineMode:
return np.datetime64("NaT")
# for 1001, its an array, for 2110 a dict
# for 1001 it's an array, for 2110 a dict
if not isinstance(, (np.ndarray, dict)):
return np.datetime64("NaT")
......@@ -499,25 +501,10 @@ class Dataset:
:param delimiter: field delimiter character(s), defaults to DEFAULT_FIELD_DELIM
:type delimiter: str, optional
class FilehandleWithLinecounter: # TODO: this could be a 'utils' class
def __init__(self, f, delimiter):
self.f = f
self.line = 0
self.delimiter = delimiter
def readline(self, doSplit=True):
self.line += 1
dmp = self.f.readline().replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
if doSplit:
dmp = [word.strip(" ") for word in dmp.split(self.delimiter)]
return dmp
if self.inputFhandle:
if self.inputFhandle.closed:
self.inputFhandle = open(, encoding="utf-8")
f = FilehandleWithLinecounter(self.inputFhandle, delimiter)
f = utl.FilehandleWithLinecounter(self.inputFhandle, delimiter)
......@@ -580,18 +567,9 @@ class Dataset:
# here that the independent variable should monotonically increase even when
# crossing over to a second day.
def extractVardesc(dmp): # TODO: could be a 'utils' function or one line,
shortname = dmp[
] # shortname, units, standardname, longname, *_ = dmp + [None] * 3
units = dmp[1]
standardname = dmp[2] if len(dmp) > 2 else None
longname = dmp[3] if len(dmp) > 3 else None
return shortname, units, standardname, longname
if self.format == Formats.FFI2110:
dmp = f.readline()
shortname, units, standardname, longname = extractVardesc(dmp)
shortname, units, standardname, longname = utl.extractVardesc(dmp)
self.independentBoundedVariable = Variable(
......@@ -601,7 +579,7 @@ class Dataset:
dmp = f.readline()
shortname, units, standardname, longname = extractVardesc(dmp)
shortname, units, standardname, longname = utl.extractVardesc(dmp)
self.independentVariable = Variable(
......@@ -634,7 +612,7 @@ class Dataset:
# the name used for that variable as a column header, i.e., the last header
# line prior to start of data.).
dmp = f.readline()
shortname, units, standardname, longname = extractVardesc(dmp)
shortname, units, standardname, longname = utl.extractVardesc(dmp)
vshortname = [shortname]
vunits = [units]
vstandardname = [standardname]
......@@ -642,7 +620,7 @@ class Dataset:
for _ in range(1, nvar):
dmp = f.readline()
shortname, units, standardname, longname = extractVardesc(dmp)
shortname, units, standardname, longname = utl.extractVardesc(dmp)
vshortname += [shortname]
vunits += [units]
vstandardname += [standardname]
......@@ -702,8 +680,14 @@ class Dataset:
rawNcom = [f.readline(doSplit=False) for _ in range(nncom)]
r = self.normalComments.keywords["REVISION"].data
r = "0" if not r else r[0].strip("R")
self.revision = r
self.nHeaderFile = f.line
# TODO this warning might be missleading since it assumes all normalComment keywords
# had been defined - which is not guaranteed.
if self.nHeader != nHeaderSuggested:
f"Number of header lines suggested in line 1 ({int(nHeaderSuggested)}) do not match actual header lines read ({int(self.nHeader)})"
......@@ -763,7 +747,7 @@ class Dataset:
return fn + ".ict"
def isValidFileName(self, name): # TODO: this could be a 'utils' function
def isValidFileName(self, name):
"""test whether file name complies with ICARTT standard:
ICARTT standard v2 2.1.1 3)
......@@ -776,11 +760,7 @@ class Dataset:
:return: is file name valid according to ICARTT standard?
:rtype: bool
def isAsciiAlpha(x): # TODO: this could be a 'utils' function
return re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]", x)
allAsciiAlpha = all(isAsciiAlpha(x) for x in name)
allAsciiAlpha = all(re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]", c) for c in name)
lessThan128Characters = len(name) < 128
return allAsciiAlpha and lessThan128Characters and name.endswith(".ict")
......@@ -952,12 +932,18 @@ class Dataset:
if not self.inputFhandle.closed:
def __repr__(self):
# TODO: this could be more meaningful
return "icartt.Dataset()"
def __str__(self):
return f"ICARTT Dataset {self.makeFileName()}"
s = [
f"ICARTT Dataset {self.makeFileName()}, format index {self.format.value}",
f"data ID: {self.dataID}",
f"location ID: {self.locationID}",
f"PI: {self.PIName}",
f"Affiliation: {self.PIAffiliation}",
f"Mission: {self.missionName}",
f"Collection date, Revision date: {self.dateOfCollection}, {self.dateOfRevision}",
f"Variables ({len(self.variables)}):\n{', '.join(x for x in self.variables)}",
return "\n".join(s)
def __init__(
......@@ -981,7 +967,7 @@ class Dataset:
self.format = format
self.version = None
self.version = None # TODO: should this be 2.0 by default?
self.dataID = "dataID"
self.locationID = "locationID"
......@@ -1028,6 +1014,13 @@ class Dataset:
if not self.isValidFileName(pathlib.Path(f).name):
warnings.warn(f"{pathlib.Path(f).name} is not a valid ICARTT filename")
# try to obtain dataID and locationID from file name
parts = pathlib.Path(f).name.split("_")
# there should be at least 3 parts; data ID, location ID and revision date + file name extension
if len(parts) > 2:
self.dataID = parts[0]
self.locationID = parts[1]
if loadData:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class FilehandleWithLinecounter:
"""a file handle that counts the number of files that were read"""
def __init__(self, f, delimiter):
self.f = f
self.line = 0
self.delimiter = delimiter
def readline(self, doSplit=True):
self.line += 1
dmp = self.f.readline().replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
if doSplit:
dmp = [word.strip(" ") for word in dmp.split(self.delimiter)]
return dmp
def extractVardesc(line_parts: list) -> str:
"""extract variable description from ict header line parts (splitted line)"""
shortname, units, standardname, longname, *_ = line_parts + [None] * 3
return shortname, units, standardname, longname
......@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ class Simple1001TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
["Use of these data requires PRIOR OK from the PI"],
self.assertEqual(ict.normalComments.keywords["OTHER_COMMENTS"].data, ["N/A"])
# TODO test revision information
def testReadData(self):
ict = icartt.Dataset(self.fn, loadData=True)
import unittest
import pathlib
import io
import re
# import pytest
import icartt
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ fileinfo = {
# TODO: dataset -> close file pointer after read ?!
# TODO? dataset -> close file pointer after read
class BulkIOTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ class BulkIOTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
with self.subTest(msg=f"Reading data from test file {str(fn)}"):
ict = icartt.Dataset(fn, loadData=True)
self.assertEqual(type(ict), icartt.Dataset)
m ="R([a-zA-Z0-9]).ict",
if m:
self.assertEqual(m.groups()[0], ict.revision)
def testWriteHeader(self):
for fn in self.files_ok: