from _utils import compareFiles # we're executing from the directory of this script
from ._utils import compareFiles # we're executing from another directory
# file : (ffi, nlscom, nlncom, nHeaderLines, exception) <- want
fileinfo = {
# should warn; has multiple keywords per line in normalComments
"AROTAL-RAY_DC8_20040715_R1.ict": (2110, 1, 19, 68, None),
"AR_DC8_20050203_R0.ict": (2110, 0, 18, 54, None), # warns
"BB-FLUX_CU-SOF_20180808_R2.ict": (1001, 0, 18, 38, None), # ok
"DC8-20160517.ict": (1001, 0, 18, 36, None), # ok
"discoveraq-CO2_p3b_20140721_R0.ict": (1001, 1, 18, 37, None), # ok
# ok
"DISCOVERAQ-NOXYO3_P3B_20140720_R0.ict": (1001, 0, 27, 47, None),
"Dongdaemun_NIER_20160520_RA.ict": (1001, 0, 18, 36, None), # warns
"HOX_DC8_20040712_R0.ict": (1001, 0, 18, 36, None), # ok
# warns
"korusaq-flexpart-dc8_trajectory_20160529_R2.ict": (2110, 27, 20, 101, None),
# ok
"korusaq-mrg01-HANSEO-KING-AIR_merge_20160507_RA.ict": (1001, 0, 18, 45, None),
# error: 2310 not implemented
"LIDARO3_WP3_20040830_R0.ict": (2310, 0, 18, 46, NotImplementedError),
"NOx_RHBrown_20040830_R0.ict": (1001, 0, 18, 41, None), # ok
# error: invalid number of variables / columns
"output.ict": (1001, 8, 17, 41, Exception),
"PAVE-AR_DC8_20050203_R0.ict": (2110, 1, 18, 55, None), # warns
# ok
"SEAC4RS-PTRMS-acetaldehyde_DC8_20130806_R1.ict": (1001, 0, 26, 44, None),
"bt_Munich_2020061000_72.ict.txt": (1001, 29, 18, 91, None), # warns
# warns (variable names)
"korusaq-mrg10-dc8_merge_20160510_R4.ict": (1001, 0, 29, 397, None),
# TODO: dataset -> close file pointer after read ?!
def setUp(self):
self.files_ok = list((wd / "expect_ok").glob("*.ict"))
self.files_warn = list((wd / "expect_warn").glob("*.ict")) + list(
(wd / "example_data" / "expect_warn").glob("*.txt")
self.files_fail = list((wd / "expect_fail").glob("*.ict"))
def tearDown(self):
for fn in self.files_ok:
with self.subTest(msg=f"Opening test file {str(fn)}"):
ict = icartt.Dataset(fn, loadData=False)
self.assertEqual(type(ict), icartt.Dataset)
# assert that we have correct number of header lines
(len(ict.specialComments), ict.normalComments.nlines, ict.nHeader),
for fn in self.files_ok:
with self.subTest(msg=f"Reading data from test file {str(fn)}"):
ict = icartt.Dataset(fn, loadData=True)
self.assertEqual(type(ict), icartt.Dataset)
def testWriteHeader(self):
for fn in self.files_ok:
with self.subTest(msg=f"Writing header for test file {str(fn)}"):
ict = icartt.Dataset(fn, loadData=False)
strIn = open(fn, "r", encoding="utf-8")
strOut = io.StringIO()
self.assertTrue(compareFiles(fn, strIn, strOut, nlines=ict.nHeader))
def testWrite(self):
for fn in self.files_ok:
with self.subTest(msg=f"Writing data for test file {str(fn)}"):
ict = icartt.Dataset(fn, loadData=True)
strIn = open(fn, "r", encoding="utf-8")
strOut = io.StringIO()
self.assertTrue(compareFiles(fn, strIn, strOut))
# @pytest.mark.filterwarnings('ignore::UserWarning')
def testInvalid(self):
for fn in self.files_fail:
with self.subTest(msg=f"Opening invalid file {str(fn)}"):
except fileinfo[][-1]:
else:"expected to fail")
def testWarnings(self):
for fn in self.files_warn:
with self.assertWarns(Warning):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning)