# Test case for developing WRF-CHEM for PALM
# see GMD:
# PALM case, domain, and configuration parameters
domain = 'augsburg'
resolution = '10'
scenario = 'validation_summer'
nested_domain = False
# dynamic driver output
dynamic_driver_file = "/cfs/home/d/u/dupreeda/MBEES/PALM/palm_model_system-v21.10/JOBS/augs11/INPUT/augs11_dynamic"
# import grid parameters for dynamic driver from static driver
grid_from_static = True
# static driver input
static_driver_file = "/cfs/home/d/u/dupreeda/MBEES/PALM/palm_model_system-v21.10/JOBS/augs11/INPUT/augs11_static"
# reference coordinate system of PALM simulation
proj_palm = "EPSG:32633"
# projection lon-lat
proj_wgs84 = 'EPSG:4326'
# vertical grid
dz_stretch_level = 900.0 # in meters
dz_stretch_factor = 1.0
dz_max = 20.0
# time origin and extent of the simulation (format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
origin_time = "2021-09-27 12:00:00"
wrf_dir_name = '/cfs/home/d/u/dupreeda/MBEES/PALM/wrf_chem_data'
wrf_file_mask = "wrfout_d01_*"
wrf_hybrid_levs = True
vinterp_terrain_smoothing = None
# interpolated files
interp_dir_name = '/cfs/home/d/u/dupreeda/MBEES/PALM/wrf_chem_data/interp'
# WRF-chem species need for chemical reaction
# possible species: no, no2, no3, pm10,PM2_5_DRY, o3, co, hno3, ho, h2o2
# radiation
radiation_from_wrf = False
wrf_rad_file_mask = "auxhist6_*"
radiation_smoothing_distance = 10000.0