# Configuration file for using WRFChem to create a dynamic driver for PALM
# Based on configuration file from GMD:
# PALM case, domain, and configuration parameters
domain = 'mbees'
resolution = '10'
scenario = 'les_test'
nested_domain = False
# Dynamic driver output directory and filename
dynamic_driver_file = "/cfs/home/d/u/dupreeda/MBEES/PALM/palm_model_system-v21.10/JOBS/augs3_1_3/INPUT/augs3_1_dynamic_12hr"
# Import grid parameters for dynamic driver from static driver
# Static driver input directory and filename
static_driver_file = "/cfs/home/d/u/dupreeda/MBEES/PALM/palm_model_system-v21.10/JOBS/augs3_1_3/INPUT/augs3_1_3_static"
# Reference coordinate system of PALM simulation
dz = 10.0
nz = 192 # z in grids
dz_stretch_level = 3000.0 # in meters
dz_stretch_factor = 1.00
dz_max = 10.0
# Time origin and extent of the simulation (format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
# Directory for wrf_chem input data and mask
wrf_dir_name = '/cfs/home/d/u/dupreeda/MBEES/PALM/wrf_chem_data'
wrf_file_mask = "wrfout_d01_2022*"
wrf_hybrid_levs = False
vinterp_terrain_smoothing = None
interp_dir_name = '/cfs/home/d/u/dupreeda/MBEES/PALM/wrf_chem_data/interp'
# WRF-chem gaseous species
# If salsa is used, h2so4, hno3, nh3, ocnv, ocsv must be included
# Some other possible species: 'no', 'no2'
wrfchem_spec = ['h2so4','hno3','nh3','ocnv','ocsv']
# Salsa parameters and aerosol size bins
wrfchem_bin_limits = [3.9e-8, 1.56e-7, 6.25e-7, 2.5e-6, 1.0e-5]
nbin = [1,7]
reglim = [3.9e-8, 5.0e-8, 2.5e-6]
nf2a = 1.0
# Either SO4 or OC must be included in listspec (aerosol species only)
listspec = ['DU','SO4', 'OC','BC','SS','NH','NO']
radiation_from_wrf = False
wrf_rad_file_mask = "auxhist6_*"
radiation_smoothing_distance = 10000.0