# icartt ``icartt`` is an ICARTT format reader and writer ## Documentation Please have a look at docs/source/usage.rst for usage examples. Full documentation is in preparation. ## Contributing We are happy to receive your [new issue report](https://mbees.med.uni-augsburg.de/gitlab/mbees/icartt_pypackage/-/issues/new). If you'd like to contribute source code directly, please [create a fork](https://mbees.med.uni-augsburg.de/gitlab/mbees/icartt_pypackage), make your changes and then [submit a merge request](https://mbees.med.uni-augsburg.de/gitlab/mbees/icartt_pypackage/-/merge_requests/new) to the original project. ## Installation Clone this repository / or your fork and install as "editable": ``` git clone https://mbees.med.uni-augsburg.de/gitlab/mbees/icartt_pypackage.git or cd icartt_pypackage pip install -e . ```