# Changelog ## [v1.8] (March 2022) **New features:** - Switch to GNU autotools for distribution ## [v1.8a] (November 2021, never officially released) **New features:** - Implemented NOx fixing method **Minor updates:** - Updated compiler options for gnu **Internal changes:** - Moved to new website at UniA ## [v1.7] (December 2017) **New features:** - Method to include heteorogeneous reactions on aerosol - Revamped mixing options (by constant K, volume, or tracer concentration) - Simplified photoysis rates labeling - New and renamed namelist options (```lverbose```, ```iturb```) - Restructured and updated documentation **Minor updates:** - New command ```list_BOXMOX_mechanisms``` - ```new_BOXMOX_experiment``` now copies default namelist to work directory **Internal changes:** - Code cleanup - ```setup``` file removed - Creation of ```VERSION``` file to indicate BOXMOX version used for simulation ## [v1.6] (February 2017) **New features:** - Ability to create adjoint mechanism using ```prepare_BOXMOX_mechanism``` ## [v1.5] (December 2016) **New features:** - Simplified tooling and use scripts - Bug fix in MOZART-4 mechanism ## [v1.4] (September 2016) **New features:** - MCM v3.3, as well as several other mechanisms used in Knote et al., Atm. Env., 2015, are included - Preparations to use adjoint models ## [v1.3] (November 2015) **New features:** - Namelist input (runtime definitions, verbosity) - Example cases for an urban plume, PBL diurnal cycle, and a chamber experiment (```boxmox/data``` subdirectory) - Diagnostic messages: notify user of unusable species in input files **Internal changes:** - Code refactoring - Preparations for using MCM in BOXMOX ## [v1.2] (July 2015) Initial public release